Looking for new project inspiration I stumbled upon the great work of Lalita Wip for the #Swordtember challenge. It was really hard choosing 4 swords for trying to recreate them in 3D because all 20 swords that were done, were amazing.
With this project, I decided to practice new texturing skills and niagara fx. It was hard to create the hand-painted style, but I managed to make a smart material and complement it with manual editing. And as I'm new with niagara, I had to do a lot of searching and thinking to create the fire for the fire sword till I got something that I liked.
Tell me what you think and any feedback is welcomed.
Make sure to follow https://www.artstation.com/lalita_w
The original artwork I got from Lalita Wip's twitter https://x.com/LalitaWip
Leaves, petals and branches were created using speed tree
Fire fx were done in niagara